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The proof behind energy-saving and cost-cutting Mobil™ Industrial Lubricants.

Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 46 helps the customer reduce
energy consumption of up to 3%

Häfner & Krullmann’s maintenance personnel reported the energy study results
showed the injection molding machines experienced up to 3% reduction of energy
consumed when using Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 46 hydraulic oil, while operating
at full capacity. In addition, the customer experienced reduction of filter usage due
to excellent filterability and low differential pressure at the beginning.
Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 46 hydraulic oil helped Häfner & Krullmann improve
the energy efficiency of its plastic injection molding machines by up to 3%,
and improve production.

Mobil Pegasus™ 1 synthetic oil for gas engines decreased the natural gas powered Waukesha engine usage costs

There were increased carbon deposits on the pistons, cylinder heads and combustion chamber surfaces on the frequently observed Series VHP L7042GL Waukesha pumping units, installed in natural gas mines in Załecze and Wilków (Zielona Góra branch).
Implementation of Mobil Pegasus™ 1 synthetic oil met all of the expectations
pertaining to the unit operations and maintenance. Important benefits included an
oil change interval that became 3 times longer; from 1,500 hours to 4,500 hours.
This interval was determined based on the oil tests results of the Mobil Serv℠ Lubricant Analysis program, and the Mobil Pegasus™ 1 synthetic oil properties. The estimated savings within the pumping department will reach an estimated US$150,000 during a 3-year period. Application of the Mobil Pegasus™ 1 synthetic oil is fully recommended by the user.

Mobil Pegasus™ 1005 has extended oil drain intervals
by 150%

ExxonMobil Fuels & Lubricants worked alongside a UK district energy company to help improve productivity and bring significant cost savings to its operation. The company operates several tri-generation sites which produce heat, power and chilled water to meet the needs of some of the most pivotal public and private energy users in the Midlands. Using previous mineral engine oil, the company was achieving 1,000 hour oil change intervals based on used oil analysis results.
Mobil Pegasus™ 1005 gas engine oil has increased oil drain interval (ODI) by 150% when compared against the previous mineral product. After 2,500 hours of use, Mobil Serv℠ Lubricant Analysis has shown that the oil was still suitable for application.

Mobil Pegasus™ 1005 helped decrease gas engine
maintenance by 59%

A Turkish energy company uses Caterpillar and MWM gas engines for energy production. Engines are fuelled with cogeneration gas. With previous competitor’s mineral oil, drain intervals (ODI) varied between 1,150 and 1,250 hours. The remote location of engines has required time consuming maintenance visits. The number of annual maintenance visits was 126 in the previous year.
Converting to Mobil Pegasus™ 1005 has increased ODI by 30-60% when compared against the previous mineral product. Optimization of ODI led to 59% decrease in planned maintenance visits.
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