Discover what makes us the industry’s best lubricant service.
Contact us today to find out how our specialist teams can help you and your business.
Contact us
Company Plattner Croatia d.o.o. was founded in June 2012 in Zagreb, Croatia.
By signing a contract with ExxonMobil company on December 1st, 2012 we became an authorized distributor of Mobil™ lubricants in the Republic of Croatia. Our mission is to ensure secure distribution of ExxonMobil company products to the Croatian market, always keeping in mind the quality of the products we offer, preserving product integrity and environmental protection.
We distribute our products throughout our territorial managers who are organized into three divisions:
PVL - automotiv (passenger vehicle)
CVL - commercial vehicle (commercial & agricultural program)
IND - industrial systems
Circle of Excellence
The Circle of Excellence is a platform to recognise outstanding achievement in the Global ExxonMobil Distributor network. By joining the Global Circle of Excellence programme, Distributors from across the EAME Zone (Europe, Africa and Middle East) have the opportunity to receive recognition and exposure on a Global level. The programme is designed to recognise strategic alignment, the highest achievements in a Distributor excellence and best practices.
Thus, the company Plattner Croatia was recognized by ExxonMobil for its professionalism and business success, and in 2014 became a proud winner of the Elite Club Bronze Award (former name for Circle of Excellence).
Plattner doo
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